European Refugee Fund (ERF)
February 10, 2015
The John XXIII Peace Lab was established in 1971 by Fr Dionysius Mintoff with the purpose of fostering solidarity and moral values. In more recent years, it has responded to growing needs to house migrants arriving in Malta from Africa and the Middle East. Located at Hal Far, the compound offers accommodation for up to 50 residents. Besides providing a home, the Peace Lab aims to empower the residents, to give them dignity, to help them achieve independence and to help them to integrate meaningfully and peacefully into Maltese society.
A project co-funded by the European Union 2013 Annual Programme European Refugee Fund (ERF) and the Peace Lab, entitled “Pope John XXIII Peace Laboratory: Improving the Safety and Living Conditions of Peace Laboratory Residents” is currently under way.
The project consists of waterproofing, the procurement of a solar water heater, and refurbishment of the plumbing and electrical systems with a view to improving the infrastructure and enhancing the capacity of the facilities used by the migrants. The co-financing rate is 75% ERF funds and 25% beneficiary funds.
The Peace Lab would like to express its appreciation for the financial support it has received from the Fund. It also commends the technical and administrative input provided by the Malta – EU Action and Steering Committee (MEUSAC) during the proposal preparation phase and the Ministry for European Affairs and Implementation of the Electoral Manifesto (MEAIM) during implementation. This support and collaboration have been invaluable to the successful completion of the project.