
B’HILTI WASALT 2017 – Nominations are now open
For the past two years, the John XXIII Peace Lab, Hal Far successfully organized the National Award for Self‐Achievement, “B’HILTI ...

School Visits to the Peace Lab
Every Tuesday morning the Peace Lab opens its doors to students from State and Private Schools. This report by a group of students illustrates on...

John XXIII Kindness Award
The annual John XXIII Gold Medal is an annual award to children in Malta and Gozo who have shown kindness and generosity to less fortunate people...

Activities at the Peace Lab
The Peace Laboratory has hit the headlines so often because it is one of the most active voluntary organisations in Malta. The Peace Laboratory h...

People Building Bridges
The Peace Lab will give you the opportunity to be exposed to various cultures and people by daily interaction in a space that allows for open dis...

National Award For Self-Achievment: B’ĦILTI WASALT.
There is unfortunately a growing number of people and families who are increasingly being faced by risks of poverty, and whose quality of life is...